Realevate Specialists

Foundation Care 101: A Landlord’s Guide to Long-Term Stability

Long-term functionality of your rental property depends on maintaining and sealing the foundation appropriately. Moisture can infiltrate through wall or floor cracks, fostering the growth of mold and creating harmful living conditions. For this reason, you should incorporate foundation sealing and restoration into your property management strategy.

For a single-family rental property to remain profitable and long-lasting, a solid and watertight foundation is fundamental. Pests and structural damage are two further problems that it can aid in preventing. By implementing preventative maintenance strategies for the foundation of your rental property, you will safeguard your investment while simultaneously guaranteeing the safety and comfort of your tenants.

When to Repair Property Foundations

Sealing and restoring the foundation of your property in preparation for the impending winter weather is an excellent way to begin the autumn season. It is not advisable to begin foundation maintenance during a deep frost or after moisture has caused damage to the structure. Inadequate maintenance due to adverse conditions could expose your property to more harm. Ignoring a trivial problem could result in its escalation into a major concern in the future.

The foundation of the property must be maintained by the owner, hence it is not advisable to delegate this task to your tenants. Inadequate sealing and restorations may result in costly repairs in the future, even for residents with the best of intentions failing to perform routine maintenance.

Hire a Professional to Help with Foundation Repair

It is critical to ensure that the repair is performed properly; otherwise, you risk causing more damage than good. Although you may be compelled to rectify the issue yourself, doing so would be unwise.

Proper knowledge and expertise are necessary to seal foundation fissures. In addition to knowing the correct methods, you must also apply the crack sealing at an appropriate time of the year.

It is common to neglect foundation care, which can result in serious issues like structural problems, mold growth, and water damage. To prevent these issues from occurring, it’s critical to prioritize routine maintenance.

It might not be the best use of your time and energy to try sealing the foundation yourself, particularly if this is your first time doing it. Hiring an expert with the tools and experience needed to complete the task accurately and quickly is the best course of action. This will ensure that your property is secure for your tenants and that the foundation is kept up to date.

This is where Real Property Management Realevate Specialists can be a real asset to your investment strategy. Our staff guarantees that your foundation adheres to a steady, systematic maintenance regimen. We commit our time and resources to ensuring that your investment is secure, allowing you to feel at ease. For more information about maintenance plans and other property management services, contact us online or call our Mission Valley office at 858-997-2100 or our Temecula office at 951-461-0100 for more information.


Originally Published on Aug 31, 2018