Realevate Specialists

Short Term Rentals Vs Long Term Rentals

Investing your hard-earned earnings is important. Real estate, the world’s largest investment vehicle, continues to be a popular choice for investors. What kind of real estate investment should you make in the face of so many options?

It pays to study prominent figures in the field and evaluate how they’re doing. In order to assist investors in determining whether a rental approach could be the greatest fit for their objectives, we will compare and contrast short-term rentals to long-term rentals, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each. 

Short-term Rentals 

Investors are always looking for ways to diversify their property portfolio and generate more income. One way that they can do this is by investing in short-term rentals, like vacation rental homes or single-family houses with tenants on monthly, weekly, or daily lease terms.  

While there may not be as much predictability when it comes time for profit distribution from long-term renting compared with other options investors should keep an open mind about these types of investments. 


Pros Of A Short-term Rental Property

Greater potential for gross income: When an investor purchases a property to rent out, they need the right strategy and knowledge in order for it not only be profitable but also allow for maximum gross monthly income. A short-term rental can be an excellent investment strategy for investors looking to take advantage of changing market rates.



With the ability to adjust rent prices depending on local demand and conditions, there’s no limit! If demand is high enough within your local area, then 2-3 times as much money could come through this type of rental, compared with long term rentals due solely on market conditions.

Easier to maintain: Landlords who own short-term rental properties have an easier time keeping them clean and well maintained because tenants only stay for a limited amount of time. Homes can be thoroughly cleaned after each resident leaves, as well as inspected before they’re filled with new inhabitants to make sure there are no outstanding issues that need fixing/prematurely ending your investment into this type real estate investing strategy!

Greater flexibility: In some cases, real estate investors will offer a short-term rental agreement to keep their options open if they are thinking about selling.


Cons Of A Short-term Rental Property

There is no assurance of steady revenue: The short-term rental of a property is an attractive option for those looking to make more money, but it comes with risks. With short-term rentals, there’s no guarantee the home won’t sit vacant for an extended period of time!

Higher operational costs: When a property is rented out for short periods of time, it requires more maintenance than longer-term rentals. As an alternative for hotels, everything must be in tip-top condition. 

High utility expenses: The cost of utilities can be high in a short-term rental, and many investors find themselves overwhelmed with expenses. 



They are responsible for paying the utilities such as electricity and gas. While these may be part of your monthly rent payment in some cases, it’s important to know that all those extra bills can pile up quickly.

Long-term Rentals 

Long-term rentals involve renting to a renter for a fixed annual rent for a 12-month lease term. The majority of residential leases last for a year at a time but leases longer than a year may be permitted under certain municipal landlord-tenant rules.

Choosing a long-term rental has a number of distinct benefits, as well as some drawbacks to take into account:


Pros Of A Long-term Rental Property

Greater income predictability: The 12-month lease is the gold standard for rental properties because it provides tenants with consistent cash flow throughout every month. This makes budgeting and forecasting much easier, not to mention accurate returns on investment!

Easier financing: Investors should consider the cash flow stream of a long-term rental when financing it. A landlord may be able to receive more attractive interest rates and financing terms because they are receiving passive income from their investment. In turn, it reduces potential risk due to vacancy or higher repairs needed for the property in case something does happen unexpectedly.

Lower operational costs: Long-term tenants typically handle maintenance chores like house cleaning, yard upkeep, and utility bills on their own. 



Long-term tenants also tend to take proper care of a residence since they view it as their home rather than just a hotel room, which results in less wear and tear overall.

Lower tenant turnover: Long-term rentals are a great way to enjoy the property without having to worry about all of the administrative tasks. Some single-family rental owners find that they can get tenants who renew their lease every year, which makes it even easier!

Economical property management: Management fees for a long-term rental property can be as much as 8% per month, but it’s not uncommon to see management charge upwards of 10%. On the other hand when you’re managing short-term rentals such has 30%, simply because there is so much work involved with tenants moving in and out throughout each month

Cons of A Long-term Rental Property

Restrictions on rent increase: When you lease a property, the rent price is set for an agreed-upon term and cannot be changed during that time. This means potential cash flow from your rental properties becomes limited by what’s written in their contract; which could make it difficult to raise prices if things are going well or lower them when they aren’t as popular with tenants.

The upkeep could be more challenging: It is important to maintain a property in good condition for both landlords and renters.



To do this, periodic inspections should be done on a quarterly or semi-annual basis while also giving proper notice before entering any leased premises so as not to violate tenant rights. 

Bottom Line

Getting the highest return on your investment is the main objective when you put time and effort into a property. This could entail choosing a short-term rental over a long-term one or vice versa.

In high-tourism locations, short-term rentals are gaining popularity as an affordable lodging option for pricey hotels. On the other hand, long-term rentals, with their yearly contracts and devoted tenants, offer more constancy and stability.

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It may be advantageous for your properties to hire a qualified property management team. With our wealth of experience and understanding, we can assist you to maximize the value of your investment in property.