Realevate Specialists

Temecula Landlords: Is Pruning Your Responsibility?

Identifying the landscape maintenance responsibility is not always apart of the lease agreement with your tenant. Temecula landlords will often agree that residents should handle landscaping when renting a single-family home. Aside from that, they think that tenants are accountable for weed removal, lawn watering, and lawn mowing. However, it is less clear when it comes to bushes and tree pruning. Are they part of a resident’s responsibility?

Correct tree and bush trimming is oftentimes a property owner’s responsibility and a cost in an investment property business. Many Temecula landlords think that it is not a good idea to expect a tenant to be climbing a 20-ft ladder just for pruning purposes. What happens if that same tenant sustains an injury from a possible fall from the ladder? Who will answer for the damages incurred from that accident? …You of course, as the property owner. So, Temecula landlords should solely manage tree pruning so as to promote tenant safety and security.

But, who will be liable for the boxwood in the front yard? If carried out right, pruning visually improves the impact of landscaped trees and shrubs, whereas, improper pruning may destroy or significantly lessen the landscape potential of plants. Bad pruning methods may disfigure, weaken, or even kill healthy plants. Do you know that improper pruning devastates more trees than pests do? So it is wise not to prune rather than prune it improperly. To extend the life of your trees and bushes, manage the pruning task yourself instead of requiring your tenants to do it.

Would you like to learn more about the other landlord and tenant responsibilities or more about Realevate Specialists? Please contact us online or call our Mission Valley office at 858-997-2100 or our Temecula office at 951-461-0100 for more information.